Holy Trinity Lutheran Church 

 Sunday Service

The Liturgy is at 9am

Private Confession and Absolution 


If you are searching for support, peace or purpose, desiring to build a relationship with God or seeking the true faith and friendship, please visit us.

About the Church

Holy Trinity Lutheran Church is a group of loving and dedicated Christian believers. We are a warm and friendly church that is Bible based and Christ centered. We desire to grow closer to our Lord and reach out with His love. We believe that Jesus is our Savior and our sole way to heaven. 

Our Mission is to reach all people with the good news of Jesus Christ, to grow as His followers through Word and Sacraments, and to serve God and one another with all we are and have. 

We are a congregation of the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod, a church fellowship of over two million who hold to the Reformation truth of "Scripture alone, Grace alone, Faith alone."


8659 Sayre Avenue |Burbank, IL 60459 | 708.598.8070

Located two blocks East of Harlem Avenue at the corner of 87th Street and Sayre Avenue

Private Confession and Absolution : Sunday 8:00am-8:45 am

Liturgy : Sunday 9:00 a.m.

Bible Study: Sunday 10:20 a.m. and Wednesday 1:00 p.m.

Serving the Burbank community since 1939